Wednesday 13 January 2010

Is God Good all the Time?

Teach me to do Your will,
For You are my God;
Your Spirit is good.
Lead me in the land of uprightness.
Psalm 143:10 New King James Version

I recently heard a preacher saying to his congregation, “ God is Good” and getting them to reply, “ all the time”. He repeated this ever louder, with the congregation responding louder and louder. It felt like my faith was building every time I heard it. On the other hand I sometimes find it hard to believe that God is good. Circumstances often shout out ‘God is not good’! So which to believe? Since God is perfect in everything, surely He is perfectly good in all His actions? In scripture we hear God saying ‘He saw that it was good’ as He created the world, we saw that God decided it was not good for Adam to be alone so He created Eve. Later we hear over and over again that the Promised Land was a ‘good land’. The gospel itself is described as the ‘good news’. Jesus only ever did good for people, for example, did he ever refuse to heal anyone? See (Luke 6:19) ‘ . .He healed them all’
Here is a good video of Bill Johnson explaining the difference between ‘control’ and God’s ‘authority’, God's Soveriegn Will , about 7 mins long I think.(He also talks about why we should praise God in all circumstances, how it ‘raises the bride of Christ’ – I’m not sure what this means, but, I think he means it raises up good works, miracles, etc, he also includes two stories of healing from cancer) So it helps a little to know that God has authority and He has ‘loosed’ control to everyone in the world, sometimes called God’s ‘permissive will’, though this is a deceptive phrase since if I give my children freedom and they choose to do bad, is that my 'will'? I say helps a little, because we only see that God is good when we engage with Him in relationship.
If someone theoretically explained why my wife is good to me or a best friend, that would only take me half way there. What I would find truly fulfilling is that relationship in action. The actions would convince me of the goodness, then I would begin to feel loved, the relationship would demonstrate love/goodness in action. In addition I have to choose to believe that my friend or wife loves me, acts in a good way toward me. A good way to remember that God is good is to keep a journal, writing down prayers and answers. For example, I received an email on my birthday last year saying I had won an iphone, also last year I prayed with someone and they were healed of a stomach pain. Why? Because God is good ! And all together, 'all the time' !

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