Wednesday 6 January 2010

Freely Give

Matthew 10:8
Freely give because we have freely received, but what shall we give, well the less quoted first half of this verse tells us, 'heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons'. In the western church we are not too bad on casting out demons, we hear the odd story of healing, but, never hear of raising the dead, so what are we doing wrong?

Surely Christ cannot have given us an instruction that is impossible to do, can He? Perhaps we have something to learn from the African or Indian church here. Instead of sending people to seminary or theological college perhaps we should send them to live with Bush pastors in Northern Mozambique?

What about me? Is it about being poor in spirit and completely submitting to God, I wonder. Hand in hand with this is it about seeking to be ever filled with the Holy Spirit? Ephesians 5:18-19 And what practical steps does that involve? getting peole to lay hands on me, practise being in His presence? I know during the so called Torronto Blessing I went to meeting after meeting for six months, eventually I started to get filled and I found I could approach God on my own and be filled. Maybe we have to this with healing also, just keep praying for and with people whatever the results, keep on praising God, keep on keeping on!

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