Monday 10 May 2010



Had a great morning saturday at Oasis! It's amazing how resistant I felt to going, a bit like church sometimes! Though I've mostly learnt to use that feeling as a trigger to be determined to go, because there's good things from God waiting for me! Also, the first hour I just could not chill, I was like 'what time is it now, do I really have to be here till 12-30, three hours away?', and, 'ok, ok, c'mon, what's happening next then?' The next hour I did begin to feel the Holy Spirit's presence, though inevitably my mind wandered! It was as if the Lord was saying come on, come deeper, holding out His hand and wanting me to follow (deep calls out to deep)

I have been reading Psalm 46 this last week and that was one of the scriptures handed out to us during the morning along with Psalm 23, particulalry "He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul' Other readings were:
Psalm 121, "3 He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber".
Psalm 138: 1, 7 & 8 "8 The Lord will work out his plans for my life - for your faithful love, O Lord , endures forever. Don't abandon me, for you made me",
Isaiah 54:10 10 For the mountains may move and the hills disappear, but even then my faithful love for you will remain. My covenant of blessing will never be broken," says the Lord , who has mercy on you
Psalm 139: 7-10
Footprints in the Sand was also read

And eventually I did get to still waters (about mid morning). I borrowed a cushion from the pile and lay down behind the pulpit at the front and just felt all the stress and strain gradually go out of my neck, back of head and shoulders - it was just so good! (and I didn't even know I had been carrying that around!)

At the end people shared:

A picture of stones being gradually washed smooth by the waves - God dealing gently with us and shaping us into what he created us for? Something beautifull and purposefull
A picture of a surfer relentlessly being knocked off their board, instead of riding the big waves all the way to the last little one then gliding in smoothly to the shore - our striving versus letting go and letting God bring us into the shore
Someone shared that they had really heard God's voice clearly and literally been in conversation with God, it's possible to learn how to do this, if you are interested I have a book and some notes from the first Oasis session when a visiting speaker explained something about this . .let me know
A birds eye view of someone in a round wooden structure with no roof. All the way round were doors with bad things written on them, eg shame, degradation, anger, fear, guilt. This person was looking anxiously at the doors and occasionally rushing to shut one. Then the picture changes to massive building blocks being built round the wooden structure, so the doors served no purpose any more and none of these bad things could threaten any more. A roof was put on the building, the roof was called Salvation. This was for me (and it may be for you in the same or a different way), I sometimes suffer from a disaster mentality, ie I imagine all sorts of horrible things, like the kids getting run over, or if something does happen I assume the very worst! The dish washer wasn't working yesterday and I immediatly thought 'oh no we cant afford a new one!' it was just the fuse of course! This disaster mentality, (when I'm feeling like this), can leave me on edge all the time, trying to manage things so there is no disaster! (there is no disaster, but the way I'm feeling there may as well be one!) - so I need to remember that song, 'The Lord is a strong tower' and run into it! OR The Lord has surrounded me with his strong protection, thanks Lord!
A picture of walking in the sand with solid rock underneath He is a sure foundation, totally dependable, Jesus never lets us down!

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