Friday 23 April 2010

There is nothing more fruitfull than the promise of God. Isaiah 55:11 'It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit.
It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.'

In His hand is the thing we desire, in our hand is the thing we cannot let go of. If our hand already has something in it, God cannot easily put something new in it . .

Dear Lord,

Reveal to me the things I cannot let go of

. . .
. . . . have a quiet think under the Lord's direction

I pray that the power of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ may be broken over me, loosed from me and bound in a place where it can never be loosed again, in Jesus name.

Thank you Lord that, unlike the things I find hard to let go of, your promises are not counterfeit and you truly satisfy my every need. Nor do your promises corrupt me or leave me bereft, you are my comforter

The good things you plant in me are mine forever, like a strong tree taking root. Thank you Lord that, though the ground has to be prepared in me, you are a gentle tiller, an easy hand on the plough.

Shake from me Lord, the dust of distraction, heal the wounds of those words that have hurt me, soothe my heart from the worries that take my eyes off you. Settle me so I can receive from you.

And give me a heart for all these kinds of things in other people, Lord. Let me be a worker of peace, a giver of encouragement, ready to pray with people for their healing and blessing, a breaker of despair and a bringer of salvation.

Just as your word to me produces fruit, may my words to others produce good fruit also


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