Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Jeremiah 30
24 The fierce anger of the Lord will not return until He has done it,
And until He has performed the intents of His heart.
In the latter days you will consider it. The latter days are since the time of Jesus
Jeremiah 31
Chapter headings and verses were inserted into bible at a later date so we have the 'latter days' and then 'at the same time' connected and all the promises of chapter 31 are ours!
1 “At the same time,” says the Lord, “I will be the God of all the families of Israel, and they shall be My people.” We are the spiritual Israel

11Therefore they shall come and sing in the height of Zion, Streaming to the goodness of the Lord For wheat and new wine and oil, For the young of the flock and the herd; Their souls shall be like a well-watered garden, And they shall sorrow no more at all. Jeremiah 31:11
We are zion, this is for now, not just for heaven !

v14 I will satiate the soul of the priests with abundance, And My people shall be satisfied with My goodness, says the Lord.”

Come on say it with it me 'I am a well watered garden' 'God is good to me' 'I am filled with His goodness!'

Meditate on what God's goodness might mean, what words come to mind?
Meditate on satisfied,
Meditate on abundance,

I pray the Lord blesses you


Sunday, 21 February 2010

Prodigal Son

We started a series at church on the prodigal son and have all been encouraged to buy the book 'Prodigal God by Tim Keller' (Time Kelller's church) We watched a DVD of Tim Keller unwrapping the story of the prodigal son. There were lots of references to the listeners, their culture, which opened up Jesus's intentions. For example, the older brother in that culture would have been expected to go and try and 'rescue' the younger brother, for the family, for his father, but didn't. One theme was that we should repent of our own righteousness as much as from our downright 'sinning', which was interesting and I so often forget that in my day to day living
Also watched (at home) a Deep calls to Deep video of William Branham (early 1950's, I think) who remains a controversial figure. His family have many recordings of him (and make a controversial claim on the following website, however, despite his/their faults, IMHO he was an amazing man of God, and there are many documented healings attributable to his ministry, there are a number in the last 20 minutes of this film with words of knowledge) the second video in. In the film he says that when Jesus said to the adulterous lady 'go and sin no more' it could also be interpreted as 'go and stop your unbelief' - and I wonder, is self-righteousness 'unbelief' ? ie I will depend on my self to make my life right, because, I don't believe God can? Is this sin in a way? Of course there lots of other reasons, fear, I guess, as well as rebellion - this realisation is only a small helpful step I guess, because then I have to go and repent and change

Thank God, He freely loves us without a price in all circumstances and draws us to himself and His ways with cords of love not judgement ! My own efforts often wear me out and letting go is a hard lesson for me!

Thursday, 18 February 2010

I quieted God's Voice

Grrr, annoyed with myself!
On the train yesterday I sat next to an older man and we chatted a bit. He was nervous because he had not been on the train for years and was travelling from Blackpool to Manchester Royal Infirmary and didn't know his way there. I helped him with that and later a friend of mine from church got on, who was getting off at the same stop as the man, so she helped him later. So it was a good incident, but, could have been better. Why? Because there was a moment when God nudged my spirit and instead of turning round and talking to the man more, I chatted with my friend. What kind outcome could there have been if I had listened or responded to His nudging's, that impression as it were, I wonder? And I have wondered! Whilst wondering I saw, in my mind's eye, myself saying. 'Has anyone ever spoken to you about how Jesus can be your friend and how He could heal you?' Then I saw myself laying a hand on his shoulder and praying for him right there on the train. After which I give him my business card and asked him to get in touch, after he had been to the hospital, l to see if the Lord had healed him.
So maybe it is good that I am grieving over not doing all that, as long as it leads me to greater boldness at the next opportunity. Thank goodness God does not give up on us! So I am sure He will provide further opportunities.
Acts 4:29-31
Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness.30 Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus”.After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.

Lets dare to pray for boldness!

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Azusa Street Revival Reports from the Time

"… So earnest became this little band that, with much fasting, they almost continued day and night for some days, till, indeed, their day had fully come, and as suddenly as on the day of Pentecost, the Spirit fell upon them and filled them, and all began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave utterance. But this speaking in other languages was not all, for, indeed, they were filled with all the fullness of God, and all the characteristics of the first Pentecost was manifest. Can any unbiased man doubt as to the source of this strange power, when these humble children of God were waiting only upon Him, seeking for Himself. This was, indeed, the day of small things, and only so in comparison to the promise, that the latter rain is to be much more abundant than the former. ... In these few months from the time the praying, fasting few received the long-sought-for rending of the heavens, and Jesus did baptize them with His Spirit, up till now [October 15, 1906], this work has spread till its influence has reached half around the world. Many of all ages and races, from varied conditions and abilities, from the very young to the octogenarian, those learned and of no education, each alike has received a definite Baptism of the Spirit. From here God has sent those living witnesses for Him up the coast for hundreds of miles across the continent; into China, India, Africa and Jerusalem—each able to speak in any language to whom God sends, using the language thus given of God with absolute perfection." (A.H. Post, in Way of Faith November 8,1906)
"The center of this work is an old wooden Methodist church, marked for sale, partly burned out, recovered by a flat roof and made into two flats by a floor. It is un-plastered, simply whitewashed on the rough boarding. Up stairs is a long room, furnished with chairs and three California redwood planks, laid end to end on backless chairs. This is the Pentecostal "upper room," where sanctified souls seek Pentecostal fullness, and go out speaking in new tongues and calling for the old-time references to "new wine." There are smaller rooms where hands are laid on the sick and "they recover" as of old. Below is a room 40 x 60 feet, filled with odds and ends of chairs, benches, and backless seats, where the curious and the eager sit for hours listening to strange sounds and songs and exhortations from the skies. In the center of the big room is a box on end, covered with cotton, which a junk man would value at about 15 cents. This is the pulpit from which is sounded forth what the leader, Brother Seymour, calls old-time repentance, old-time pardon, old-time sanctification, old-time power over devils and diseases, and the old-time "Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire."
Meetings begin at 10 o'clock every morning and are continued until near midnight. There are three altar services daily. The altar is a plank on two chairs in the center of the room, and here the Holy Ghost falls on men and women and children in old Pentecostal fashion as soon as they have a clear experience of heart purity. Proud preachers and laymen with great heads, filled and inflated with all kinds of theories and beliefs, have come here from all parts, have humbled themselves and got down, not "in the straw," but "on" the straw matting, and have thrown away their notions, and have wept in conscious emptiness before God and begged to be "endued with power from on high," and every honest believer has received the wonderful incoming of the Holy Spirit to fill and thrill and melt and energise his physical frame and faculties, and the Spirit has witnessed to His presence by using the vocal organs in the speaking forth of a "new tongue." "(Article in Way of Faith, October 11, 1906, possibly by Frank Bartleman)

Both taken from The Azusa Street Revival, an Eye Witness Account by Frank Bartleman

Monday, 8 February 2010

Most of my trouble . .

. .and it is most of mine, this learning to give over myself to God's way, "letting go and letting God" as someone who ministered to me recently said that I must do. That battle is always on and I guess even if I can sometimes see I am not doing that well at least I am aware of the fight! Where we have given up and fallen asleep is the real problem and sometimes that happens, we become happy and content with where we are at, the picture of really 'comfortable'. Circumstances wake you up to it and God uses those circumstances and how uncomfortable it suddenly seems! This happened to me at work this last week or two, would I give this person/situation over to God that suddenly had arisen , would I eckers like! I'm still not quite there, the walking humbly with God at work bit that came out of sunday night's service is helping, but to be honest I am having to really grit my teeth and pray that at least my actions will be right even if at times my thoughts are not.

Reading about the Welsh revival and the Azusa Street (Los Angeles) revival that followed in it's tracks you realise it was most uncomfortable for the participants, unbelievable heart wrenching repentance amongst 'sinners' and believers alike, in fact, they described people as dying or doing alot of dying. Like alot of Christians I really yearn for revival and want to see it happen in Bolton, but, when you read the actual accounts of how people are broken before God it's just difficult to know how you yourself could get to the necessary place needed for that revival . .below is from Frank Bartleman 1906

'My mind, the last fortress of man to yield, was taken possesion of by the Spirit. The waters that had gradually been accumulating, went over my head. I was possessed of him fully. The utterance "in tongues" was without human mixture, "as the Spirit gave utterance" - (Acts 2:4). Oh, the thrill of being utterly yielded to Him! My mind had always been very active. It's natural workings had caused me most of my trouble in my Christian experience. "Casting down reasonings", (2 Cor 10:5) Nothing hinders faith and the operation of the Spirit so much as the self-assertiveness of the human spirit, the wisdom, strength, and self-sufficiency of the human mind. This must all be crucified, and here is where the fight comes in. We must become utterly undone, insufficient and helpless in our own consciousness, thoroughly humbled, before we can receive this possession of the Holy Spirit. We want the Holy Ghost, but the fact is He is wanting possession of us" My own emphasis

page 65 The Azusa Street Revival, Eye Witness Account by Frank Bartleman
Buy here

God bless
